
MEME 2.0
The first
network nation state
in the world
CA: 0xA374B83Db95E9bC88a5bfca840612A3af1F963B5

The dogs and frogs have had their day, it’s time for cat to take reign.

We harness the power of memes to establish an open, free, and decentralized network state, and that is Cat Nation.

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MEME 2.0

MEME 1.0, represented by DOGE, SHIBA, and PEPE, is filled with bubbles, fraud, and speculation. Over the years, MEME 1.0 cryptocurrencies have failed to create any real value.

It's time for a change!
₡AT represents MEME 2.0.
We are continuously building and creating, aiming to establish world-class cryptocurrencies and set new standards.


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A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.

Cat Nation will become the world's first network state, transcending cultural, racial, ethnic, and geographical limitations, with a shared cryptocurrency called ₡AT, culture, economy, and decentralized governance system.


All citizens of Cat Nation come together and strive towards the same goals, apart from their shared love for cats.

One hundred million citizens

Traditional nation-states have become inadequate to adapt to the development of the times, plunging humanity into crisis. They perpetuate endless inflation, mutual hostility, and hatred. History is manipulated and distorted by the victors, and there are violations of private property and privacy.

The Cat Nation will become an alternative to traditional nation-states, and through continuous construction, it will have ONE HUNDRED MILLION cat citizens.

Releasing the potential of Web3

Cat Nation will harness the power of Web3 to develop practical products, cultivate a thriving ecosystem, promote world peace and freedom, protect personal privacy and private property rights, and further enhance individual sovereignty.


The conditions for the birth of network states are already in place, and establishing a decentralized network state is both feasible and profitable. A great era is about to begin.

Cat Nation will popularize and promote the concept of network states, aiding the development of other network state and leading one billion people into different network states.

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Revolutionary ₡AT mechanism

The trading tax will go into the National Development Fund, Sermon Vault, and Cat Nation Bank.

Sermon Vault
Every three days, it provides USDT rewards to Catizens promoting CAT.
Catizens receive bonuses in proportion to their Karma.
1 Karma is equivalent to a CAT purchase amount worth $1.
Total sermon Karma = 100% Directly invited Karma + 30% Indirectly invited Karma.
Invitation relationships are bound through Catizen Passport. When Catizens receive their Catizen Passport, they input the inviter's identification number.

Cat Nation Bank
Catizens can deposit CAT into the bank and earn high returns.
Based on the amount of CAT staked, they can earn profits from taxes and staking mining rewards.


Buy/Sell Tax: 3%
(1% National Development, 1% Sermon Vault, 1% Cat Nation Bank)

If the price falls below the day's high by 5%, the selling tax will be increased to 10%.
(2% National Development, 6% Sermon Vault, 2% Cat Nation Bank)

If the price falls below the day's high by 10%, the selling tax will be increased to 15%.
(2% National Development, 9% Sermon Vault, 4% Cat Nation Bank)

With this revolutionary mechanism, we protect price stability and reward citizens involved in promoting CAT, as well as citizens who deposit CAT in the bank, with USDT incentives.

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Total Supply: 120 million

Liquidity Pool: 86%

Treasury: 5%

Airdrop: 4.9%

CEX Listing: 2%

Staking Mining: 16.66%

Vitalik: 1%

Balaji Srinivasan: 1%

James Bowen, owner of Street Cat Bob: 0.1%

To express gratitude for Vitalik's contributions to the decentralized world and Balaji's contributions to the concept of network states, we will airdrop 1% of the tokens to each of them.
As ₡AT logo, which is also our national emblem, originates from the stray cat Bob, we will airdrop 0.1% of the tokens to his owner as a token of appreciation.

An ample treasury serves as the foundation for nation-building.The treasury is allocated to support the development of Cat Nation's ecosystem projects, sponsor Cat Nation ambassadors, and w fund other marketing and promotional activities.

Let's not forget that one of our goals is to promote public awareness of the concept of network states.Therefore, we have allocated 5% of the tokens for airdrops, targeting various types of network states, entrepreneurial communities, well-known DAOs, and a wide range of potential audiences.

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Become a citizen of Cat Nation

Number of Catizens


Citizens are issued digital passports that grant them access to Cat Nation's global network of properties, experiences, and fellow members, while allowing them to actively contribute to building the nation and cultivating their self-sovereign reputation within it.

By holding $100 worth of CAT,
you can claim a Citizen Passport.

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Assemble 100 LP believers, the faithful architects, and launch our token into the stratosphere!
Unleash the Catizen ID, reaching 700 proud Catizens and leaving Vatican City in our dust!
Airdrop CAT to renowned DAOs, startup societies, and cybernation crews, making waves with our feline generosity!
Forge a decentralized governance parliament, unleashing a lineup of Web3 products that safeguard world liberty, amplifying Cat Nation's mighty sway!
Strut onto Binance and Coinbase, where our Catizens roar past 100k, leaving countries like Palau, Greenland, Marshall Island!
Cat Islands
Crowdfund Cat Nation's maiden slice of the physical realm, forging the legendary Cat Island No.1!
Securing our first diplomatic recognition, with over a million Catizens and a population surpassing Montenegro and Cyprus!
The United Nations
Becoming a member state of the United Nations, with over 10 million Catizens and a population surpassing Portugal.
What is the use of ₡AT?
₡AT is the official currency of Cat Nation, the world's first network state.
With no VC involvement, ₡AT is a crypto that belongs to the people.
Through continuous building and fighting, the value of CAT will continuously strengthen.
Cat Nation's dream of obtaining diplomatic recognition from pre-existing nations, having one hundred million citizens,
and establishing physical territory will eventually be realized.


Global circulation, inflation resistance.
Empowerment within Cat Nation ecosystem and network states within the alliance.


By holding a specific amount of ₡AT, one can become a citizen of Cat Nation and claim their own digital citizen identity card.

Exclusive Benefits

Citizens will enjoy exclusive access to limited rewards and recognition each season, fostering nation-building and establishing their self-sovereign reputation within Cat Nation.


Circulating within the physical territory crowdfunded by Cat Nation citizens, allowing them to enjoy privileges.


Deciding the development and direction of Cat Nation, which projects to fund, and how the treasury is spent, etc.


Cat Nation will establish an innovative decentralized charity platform, aiming to make ₡AT the most popular charitable currency worldwide.


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When the Great Way is practiced, the world is for the public.

The worthy and able are chosen as office holders.

Mutual confidence is fostered and good neighborliiness cultivated.

Book of Rites
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A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.

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My judgement so far is that network states are great.... Ultimately, I do think that we need to bring in more democracy and large-scale-coordination oriented Big Compromise Ideas of some kind to make network states truly successful.

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For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.

John Winthrop
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This city, like any city, has foreign enemies and needs to be defended from outside attack. It therefore needs a class of guardians who are courageous and public-spirited, who are willing to sacrifice their material desires and wants for the sake of the common good.

Francis Fukuyama

To be a cat.

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